A start and end are common in any process. As we know earlier to start the python script. In general, we end a python program after displaying an output.
To exit a python
program, there are three methods. Here, are the three methods….
- 1.
exit() method.
- 2.
quit method.
- 3.
sys.exit() method.
Each one is coded
with an example below.
exit() method:
It has the
following steps.
- ·
open a command prompt in your system.
- ·
shows the below screen.
- ·
“py” to enter into python environment.
- ·
your print statement.
print(“Hi, welcome to python”)
displays the message “ Hi, welcome to python” on the screen.
exit the python program, just type exit() and press the ‘enter’ key.
· It exits the environment.
Note: If you want
to print a message when exiting, you can add the message in exit().
For example,
exit(“you exited
the environment”).
2.Using quit method:
This method uses the keyword ‘quit’. You can use this keyword even in print statement.
#Python program to use ‘quit’ to exit a program.
#get a input ‘a’
a = int(input(“enter a number”))
if a>5 :
else :
This program checks the given number is greater than 5.
If yes, it quits the program. Otherwise, it prints the number.
3.Use sys.exit() method:
This method uses a built in module “sys”.
#Python program
using sys.exit() function to exit a program
import sys
id =
int(input(" Enter the id"))
if id > 20 :
sys.exit("you exceeded the
else :
print("You are in the limit. your id
is:",id)#First, import the sys module.
When executing
this program, you get the below output.
These are simple methods to exit a python program. Happy coding!!!!