C Programs to practice -Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit conversions

 Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion:

This is a simple temperature conversion program. In this program ,the given temperature is in Fahrenheit. This program converts it to Celsius by using a simple formula.

Program: “Fahrentocelsius.c”



void main()


/* variable declaration statement. Fa- Fahrenheit, ce- Celsius */

 float fa, ce;                     

printf(“ Enter the temperature value in Fahrenheit”);

/* read the Fahrenheit value */


/ * formula for converting Fahrenheit to Celsius value */


/* The converted celsius  value*/

printf(“The temperature value in celsius is: %f”,ce);



Try it :

In the same way, you can try the Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion in  your own.

Steps for converting Celsius to Fahrenheit:

Declare two variable Celsius,Fahrenheit as float.

Get the input for Celsius temperature value.

Use the formula to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.

Print the Fahrenheit value.



void main()


 float fahren,Celsius;

printf(“ enter the Celsius valus”);



printf(“The converted  value  is:%f”,fahren);



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