Html tags part 2- headings,paragraph,formatting

    Tags which is used to display various types of heading, paragraphes and text formats like bold,italic are  explained with some examples.

 <h1>,<h2>,<h3>,<h4>,<h5>,<h6> tags

   These are used to display the heading in differnet sytles. Starting from h1 to h6, the size is decreased.

<!DOCTYPE html>


<head> Sample program</head>


<h1> Welcome </h1>

<h2> Welcome </h2>

<h3> Welcome </h3>

<h4> Welcome</h4>

<h5> Welcome </h5>

<h6> Welcome </h6>



output will be

   Sample program







Next, for displaying paragraph, <p> tag is used.

<p> tag:

     Do you want to insert a set of words, passages and paragraphs in a page . If your answer yes,use this paragraph tag.


<head> This is a sample html program </html>


<p> This is a sample paragraph. You can see in the browser window. You can add many lines in the paragraph




Tags used in paragraph:

When the user want to make the text in italic format, <i> tag is used. Alternatively, ,<b> tag is used to make the text to be displayed in BOLD size.

When you want to break the line,just use <br> tag.

Sample code is given below…


<head> This is a sample html program to display a paragraph </head>


<p>This paragraph has many texts with various formats. <br>

<b>Some texts are bold </b><br>

<i> Some texts are italic </i><br>

Some are normal in size



 The ouput will be...

This is a sample html program to display a paragraph 

This paragraph has many texts with various formats. 

Some texts are bold 

Some texts are italic 

Some are normal in size

These tags are generally used in document body.

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