Python programming basics- typecasting

 Typecasting is the process of converting a variable’s datatype to another datatype. It can be done implicitly in python.

How to know the datatype of a variable in python???

Here, is the clue…

A keyword ‘type()’  is used to find the data type.

Examples are given  below.

 a  =  4

 b  =  5.7

 c  = ‘s’

 d  = “String”

print(“The data type of the variable a is:”,type(a))

print(“The data type of the variable b is:”,type(b))

print(“The data type of the variable c is:”,type(c))

print(“The data type of the variable d is:”,type(d))

 For eg, if you are using a variable in  ‘int’ datatype, but the output needs in float.

  a  =  12

  b  =  5

  c  =  a / b

  print(“The value is”,c)

Next, explicit type conversion in python is given below…..

This can be done by using keywords.

  • ·       int()
  • ·       float()
  • ·       str()

Converting int to float :

It is the most used conversion. It mainly used in mathematical expressions.


 a = 12

 b = 23.6

 c = float(a) + b

 print(“The sum is:”,c)


Converting float to int:

This can be done by int() method.


 a = 3.45

 b = int(a)

print(“The converted int  value is:”,b)

 Converting int, float numbers to string is not that much applicable.  

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