Simple python programs on numbers: To check the number is odd or even and positive or negative.

             Numbers are always magical. Basic python programs include simple logic. some of the examples are given below.

  • ·       Python program to find the given number is odd or even
  • ·       Python program to check the given number is positive or negative.
  • ·       Python program to find biggest of three numbers.
  • ·       Python program to find the given number is prime or not.

Python program to find the given number is odd or even:

              It uses an arithmetic operator (%). This operator gives you the remainder from the division. Here, we divide the number by 2. If the remainder is zero, then given number is even. Otherwise, it is a odd number.

#As a beginning, get the number by calling a method ‘input’. Typecast the input into integer.

no = int(input(“Enter the number”))

# ‘%’ - divide the number by 2 and get the reminder. If the reminder is zero, then it goes to the loop.

if no % 2 == 0 :

 # Prints the number is even.

    print(“It is an even number”)

#otherwise, it prints the number is odd.

else :

    print(“It is an odd number”)

Just execute this program in interpreter or save it into a file “”. Run it in the command prompt. You will get the output.

Python program to find the given number is positive or negative:

#Get the number from command prompt.

no = int(input(“Enter the number”))

#check the number is greater than zero. If yes, print it is a positive number

if no > 0 :

    print(“It is a positive number”)

#otherwise, print it is a negative number.

else :

    print(“It is a negative number”)

run this program in any python compiler. You will get the following output.


Programs to find the given number is prime or not and  biggest of three numbers is in next blog post.

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