How to write a java program to find the difference between two time periods??

               Time is precious one. Each and every millisecond in computer is important in computer operations. To calculate the difference between two time periods, here is the steps.

  • ·       First, create a class “Time” with three  member variables hours, minutes and seconds.
  • ·       Initialize the constructor
  • ·       Create a function “Difference” and initialise the time values as zero.
  • ·       If seconds values(stop) are greater than minutes are converted into seconds . In the same way, minutes(stop) are greater than hour, convert the hour value to minutes.
  • ·       Now, find the difference between hours, minutes and seconds.
  • ·       Create the public static void main(). There,  Assign the values for starting and stopping time.
  • ·       Call the difference function to find the difference between two time.
  • ·       Print the output by print() function.

//Java Program to calculate Time difference.

class Time {

    int hours;

    int minutes;

    int seconds;

    public Time(int hours, int minutes, int seconds) {

        this.hours = hours;

        this.minutes = minutes;

        this.seconds = seconds;


    public static Time difference(Time starting, Time stopping) {

        Time diff = new Time(0, 0, 0);


        // If start second is greater than stop second, convert minute of stop into seconds

        if (starting.seconds > stopping.seconds) {


            stopping.seconds += 60;


        diff.seconds = stopping.seconds - starting.seconds;


        // If start minute is greater is than stop minute, convert stop hour into minutes

        if (starting.minutes > stopping.minutes) {


            stopping.minutes += 60;


// Find the difference by subtracting stop and start value.

        diff.minutes = stopping.minutes - starting.minutes;

        diff.hours = stopping.hours - starting.hours;

        return diff;


     // To print the the time

    public void print() {

        System.out.printf("%d:%d:%d\n", hours, minutes, seconds);


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Time start = new Time(5, 42, 15);

        Time stop = new Time(11, 34, 55);

        Time diff = Time.difference(start, stop);

        System.out.print("Time Difference: ");




  • Open the command prompt. Set the path and compile the program.
  • If there is no error, execute the program.
  • It displays the time difference between two times.

Thus the way of of creating a java program to find the time difference.


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