Java implementation of NIO(New Input/Output)

     Java NIO (New Input/Output). It is an API (Application Programming Interface) which provides non-blocking input, output ensures high-speed in executing the operations.

Java 1.4 includes the feature.


It has the following features listed below…

  • ·       Non-blocking I/O
  • ·       Selectors
  • ·       Channels and Buffers
  • ·       Charset
  • ·       Coders/decoders
  • ·       Path and file operations

Program implementation:

This implementation starts from creating a text file”example.txt” with some text.

Steps to follow:

Include the built in packages such as,java.nio.ByteBuffer and java.nio.channels.fileChannel.

  • A public class with main() function is created.
  • RandomAccessFile object is created. It opens the file “example.txt” in readwrite mode.
  • FileChannel object is gets the channel.
  • ByteBuffer object is allocated with size 48.
  • Read the buffer by character by character.
  • Write it to the command prompt.
  • Close the file pointer.



import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;

public class jNIOEg {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

       //A file "example.txt" opens in read and write mode("rw")

        RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile("example.txt", "rw");

      //Filechannel object is created. file object gets the channel

        FileChannel ch = raf.getChannel();

     //ByteBuffer object gets allocated with the size of 48

        ByteBuffer buff = ByteBuffer.allocate(48);

    // channel reads the buffer and assign it to bRead variable

        int bRead =;

    // until bRead is not equal to -1, it continues

        while (bRead != -1) {

            buff.flip();  // make buffer ready for read

            while (buff.hasRemaining()) {

                System.out.print((char) buff.get()); // read 1 byte at a time


            buff.clear(); // make buffer ready for writing

            bRead =;





Text in the “example.txt” file is given below...


Compile and execute the above program to get the output.


C:\raji\blog>java jNIOEg

It is the time read the data

This is the sample program for implementing Java NIO. Hope this program helps you to know about Java NIO.  Keep Coding!!!

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