how to create About us and enquiry page using HTML coding???

 when user wants to know about the author’s details and enquire about the recipes, the following codes are used.

About us page:

This page contains basic information about foodie website. The html code for about us page is given below.



<head> <title> Foodie </title></head>


p {

color: navy;

text-indent: 30px;



<body bgcolor="lightgreen">

<h1> Foodie </h1>

     <p> Foodie is a great collection of mouth watering receipes. It has variety of receipes in different categories. South special,North Indian combo,Continental menus and Italy receipes </p>



the about us page is like as follows

Next,enquiry page code is given below.


Enquiry page

            When someone wants to find some recipes or doubts in the recipes, this enquiry form helps to find the solution. User enters the name, contact mail id and queries. The coding is given below.



<head><title> Foodie </title></head>

<body bgcolor=”yellow”>

<form action="output.html" method="get">
  <label for="name">Name:</label>
  <input type="text" id="name" name="name"><br><br>
  <label for="mailid">Mail id:</label>
 <input type=”text” id=”mailid” name=”mailid”><br><br>

 <label for="Query"> Query:</label>

 <input type=”text” id=”query” name=”Query”><br><br>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">



when you execute this code, you will get a window like below…

 These are simple design of about us and enquiry page. 

how to create a simple,elegant food receipe website????

 Food… Its one of the basic needs of our life. without food,we cant live. If you know cooking, then its fine. We design a food receipe website with following features.

Here, a food receipe website. let us name it as “foodie”. It has Home page, about us,enquiry form and receipes page.

Home page displays the title, logo and categories along with a welcome message.About us page displays the details of the website owning authority.

Receipes page has many categories. They are divided into 4 types as follows…

  • ·       South special
  • ·       North Indian combo
  • ·       Continental menus
  • ·       Italy receipes

At last, enquiry form is used to collect the user queries.

Steps to follow:

  1. ·       Create a folder and name it as “foodie”.
  2. ·       Create a two logos. one for the top and another one for the welcoming page.
  3. ·       Now, create a file “home.html” which divides the webpage into three parts. first part is “top.html”. it displays the logo and title with menu’s like home, About us and enquiry.
  4. ·       Left part of the web page includes the receipe categories.
  5. ·       Right part of the web page includes the welcoming message.  

Html coding is given below.


<frameset rows="30%,*"> 

<frame src="top.html" noresize scrolling="NO" name="topframe"> 

<frameset cols="15%,*"> 

<frame src="left.html" noresize scrolling="NO" name="leftframe"> 

<frame src="right.html" noresize name="rightframe" scrolling="auto">  </frameset> 






      <title>Top Frame</title> 


 <body bgcolor="Skyblue "> 

      <img src="foodie.jpg" width="125" height="115" align="left"> 

      <marquee bgcolor="yellow" width="650" behavior="alternate"> 

    <font face="Brush Script MT" size="8" color="green"><b><i>Foodie- Receipes encyclopedia</i></b>  


     </marquee> <br>

<font face="Brush Script" size="4" color="white"><b>Created & Maintained By</b></font> 



<table width="100%" height="50%" cellspacing=10> 

<tr align="center"> 

 <td>  <a href="Home.html" target="_parent"><font face="Brush Script" size="6" color="navy">HOME </a> </td>

 <td> <a href="Aboutus.html" target="rightframe"> <font face="Brush Script" size="6" color="navy">ABOUT US</a> </td>

 <td> <a href="Enquiry.html" target="rightframe"> <font face="Brush Script" size="6" color="navy">ENQUIRY</a>









   <body align="center" bgcolor="bisque"> <br> 

      <a href="SouthSpecial.html" target="rightframe"><font size="6">Southindian Specials</font></a><br><br> 

      <a href="Northindiancombo.html" target="rightframe"><font size="6">Northindian Combo</font></a><br><br> 

      <a href="Continentalmenu.html" target="rightframe"><font size="6">Continental Menu</font></a><br><br> 

      <a href="Italyreceipes.html" target="rightframe"><font size="6">Italy Receipes</font></a><br> 






   <body bgcolor="yellow">


       <img src="Healthy food.jpg" height="170"><br> 

        <font face="Brush Script MT" size="5" color="blue">

          <h1><b>Welcome to foodie!!!</b></font><br /> 

        <font face="Brush Script MT" size="5" color="red">

          <h2><b> "A Huge Collection Of receipes of delicious foods"</b></h2></font>





The output is

Image: Output for foodie 
This is a simple,elegant website for a food receipe .