Python for beginners- Dictionary Operations

 Dictionary is one of the type of collections in python. It combines variety of data items under a common name.

Syntax be like,







An example is given below...


Creating a dictionary named "sunglass"

 sunglass = {

                      "brand": "Suntrack"

                      "model": "Wideangle"

                      "Year " : "2023"


To print the dictionary, use the below code.


It displays the output as follows.

{'brand': 'Suntrack', 'model':'Wideangle','Year':'2023'}

The operations on the dictionary are

  • get()
          This method is used to get a value from dictionary. For getting a value from above example, the              following code is used.
          print(sunglass.get("model")) -This displays Wideangle          
  • keys()
          keys are the members in the dictionary. This method is useful to get the keys in the dictionary.

           sunglass = {"brand": "Suntrack", "model": "Wideangle" , "Year " : "2023" }
           When you execute this, you will get the below output.
  • values()
           These are the data assigned to the keys. To get the values assigned for the keys, use the below                 code.
           sunglass = {"brand": "Suntrack", "model": "Wideangle", "Year ": "2023"}
           The output is
  • copy()
           This method is used to copy a value to another variable. For eg,
            sunglass = {"brand": "Suntrack", "model": "Wideangle" , "Year " : "2023" }
           when you run this code, you get the copied value.
            {'brand': 'Suntrack', 'model':'Wideangle','Year':'2023'}
  • pop()
          This method is used to extract a value from the dictionary.
           sunglass = {"brand": "Suntrack", "model": "Wideangle" , "Year " : "2023" }
           It gives you the year value as output.
  • clear()

             Do you want to empty the dictionary, use this method.

              sunglass = {"brand":"Suntrack","model": "Wideangle","Year ": "2023"}


              It clears all the data in the sunglass dictionary. The output is {}

         These are operations performed for Dictionary.


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