Encapsulation is wrapping up of data and member functions into a single unit🎁. The single unit is defined as a class.
- · Create a class “Customer”.
- · Add two members as private. One is name. another one is id.
- · Write four member functions. Two for getting name,id. Two for setting the name and id.
- · Create a main class as”Main9” and save this class as “Main9.java”
- · Define a public static void main() with String[] Args.
- · Create an object for Customer class.
- · Call the set functions to set the value.
- · Using print statements, print the details using get functions.
//Java Program to implement Encapsulation.
class Customer {
private String
private int id;
//Get method for
public String
getName() {
return name;
// Set method for
public void
setName(String name) {
this.name =
// Get method for
public int getId()
return id;
public void
setId(int Id) {
this.id = Id;
public class Main9 {
public static void
main(String[] args) {
Customer cust
= new Customer();
System.out.println("Name: " + cust.getName());
System.out.println("Age: " + cust.getId());
Open an command prompt.
Set the path.
Compile the program.
C:\raji\blog>javac Main9.java
Run the program.
C:\raji\blog>java Main9
Name: Jeevan
Age: 1
This is way of implementing Encapsulation in java.
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