How to implement Generics in java?

              “Generics” is a special feature in java. It creates a generalized data member, classes and members. This can be used for any datatypes. So, it gives you the compile time type safety.


class gene <G> {

G info;

public G getInfo(){

return info;




G is a parameter. The user replaces this with any datatypes (Primitive datatypes like int,String or user defined datatype).

Note: Different datatypes can be used without rewriting the class.

Java program to implement generic class:

Generic class: sampleGene

Generic data member : T

Input method: input()

Output method: display()

Generic Objects : intsampleGene , strsampleGene

//Java Program

public class sampleGene<T> {

    private T t;

    public void display(T t) {

        this.t = t;


    public T input() {

        return t;


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        sampleGene<Integer> intsampleGene = new sampleGene<>();


        System.out.println("Integer Value: " + intsampleGene.input());

       sampleGene<String> strsampleGene = new sampleGene<>();

        strsampleGene.display("Have a nice day");

        System.out.println("String Value: " + strsampleGene.input());





C:\raji\blog>java sampleGene

Integer Value: 456

String Value: Have a nice day

Next Program implement the generic function.

Java Program to implement generic function:

              This program creates a generic function to process string and int array elements.

Generic function: display()- It gets the data as array elements and prints it.

The array elements can be a int array or String.


public class genMethod{

    public static <T> void display(T[] inputA) {

        for (T element : inputA) {

            System.out.print(element + " ");



    }    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Integer[] intArray = {34, 42, 63, 74, 85};

        String[] strArray = {"Java","Generic","Programming"};





When you execute this program, you will get the below output.


C:\raji\blog>java genMethod

34 42 63 74 85

Java Generic Programming
Note: you can try any type of array elements using this program.

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