Back End skills -Full stack Development

     It's always important to design the back end because it contains the data to be stored, retrieved and maintained. The skills needed for a back end developer is as follows…

Back end Technologies
Python: Python is a general-purpose language which is used to develop the websites as well as applications. It also deals with automation related applications and data analysis. Python has variety of inbuilt functions. So the developer can easily create awesome codes.

SQL: SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is a programming language for database operations. Nowadays, all the databases are relational databases. SQL has three different types of categories. They are Data definition language, Data manipulation language, Data control language.

Node.js: When you want to run a code before it gets deployed in the web browser. Then Node.js is the choice. Especially, it deals with JavaScript code. So, it is the most usable platform                                                                      for the developers.  

Ruby: It is a framework which has multiple facilities. So, many popular applications, web services, software and social media applications was built by this language. It has many features to increase the productivity of software.

Other skills:

HTTP: HTTP stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. Actually, It is a protocol which is responsible for loading webpages, communicating web server and web browser for getting details and streaming videos.

REST: REST is expanded as Representational State Transfer. Main purpose of REST is to communicate between front end and back end.

Design fundamentals: Any Full stack developer needs to know the designing factors. It involves the Userfriendly environment design, color, typography, font and so on. A good design always needs for a Userfriendly system.

Web Architecture:  A main requirement is a web architecture. It involves the client needs and server communication. It deals with the logic, computing tasks, coding and file organization.

Git: It is a software which finds the changes done in its environment.

Git hub: It is a interface where multiple users can involve at same time. It supports cloud storage and version control.


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