‘Map’ is an interface in java Collections Framework. It contains a pair of values which is a key associated with its value. Map has unique values for each key. One single entry is for one value.
Features of Map:
Map has unique features compared to other data structures
like queue or Stack. The features are listed below.
- Key and Values are paired.
- It always include the key as unique. It does not have any duplicate keys. Sometimes, it allows duplicate value.
- Null values are also acceptable. But a single null key is accepted due to implementation purpose.
Various ways of implementing “Map”:
“Map” can
be implemented as three ways.
- 1. HashMap: It may be in any order. I/O operations are in constant time performance.
- 2. LinkedHashMap: The insertion maintains an order.
- 3. TreeMap: It follows a sorted order based on the program. It uses “NavigableMap” interface.
Built in methods in Map interface:
It has the following list of methods.
1. entrySet():
It gives you the mappings of the map interface.
Eg: Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> entries = map.entrySet();
function lists out the keys in the map interface.
Eg: Set<String> key_map =map.keySet();
The values of each key is displayed.
Eg: Collection<String> value_map = map.values();
4.get(Object key)
It is the input statement to get the key value.
Eg: String value_map = map.get("key1");
5. put(K key_map, V value_map):
This function creates the association for key and value in the map.
Eg: map.put("key12", "value12");
6. remove(Object key):
This function deletes the key.
Eg: remove(“key12”);
7. containsKey(Object key_map):
It checks the key is available is not by returning true or false value.
Eg: Boolean iscontain=map.ContainsKey(“key12”);
8.containsValue(Object value_map):
This function checks the value associated for map is available or not.
Eg: boolean iscontains = map.containsValue("value12");
It returns the number of elements in the
map. Here, the elements are the “key and value”.
Eg int the_size = map.size();
This function gives you `true` if the map contains has no pair of key
and value.
Eg: Boolean isEmpty_or_not = map.isEmpty();
This function deletes the entire mapping in the map interface.
These are the basics of map interface and its built-in
member functions in java is illustrated.
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