Java implementation of anagram checking among Strings

    A word can be created from the characters of another words. That is called anagram. The word formation contains any combination of letters from other word. It may be scrambled or some phrases can be repeated.

Let us check the given strings are anagram or not in java programming.


isitAnagram() function:

  • First, check for both strings length.
  • Sort the characters in both arrays.
  • Check whether both arrays are equal or not and return to the main() function.

main() function:

  • Read two input strings from the user at run time.
  • Call the isitAnagram() function.
  • Receives the output from function and display the output.

Java Program to check for anagram:

import java.util.Arrays;

import java.util.Scanner;

//public class is created with member function isitAnagram()

public class AnagramCheckEg {

    public static boolean isitAnagram(String st1, String st2) {

        if (st1.length() != st2.length()) {

            return false;


        char[] chArray1 = st1.toCharArray();

        char[] chArray2 = st2.toCharArray();

        //Character arrays are sorted



        return Arrays.equals(chArray1, chArray2);


 //main() function

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner myObj1 = new Scanner(;

        System.out.println("Enter the first String");

        String string1 = myObj1.nextLine();

        Scanner myObj2 = new Scanner(;

        System.out.println("Enter the second String");

        String string2 = myObj2.nextLine();

       //Function call

        if (isitAnagram(string1, string2)) {

            System.out.println("Yes. "+string1 + " and " + string2 + " are anagrams.");

        } else {

            System.out.println("No. "+string1 + " and " + string2 + " are not anagrams.");




Here is the output while executing the above program.



C:\raji\blog>java AnagramCheckEg

Enter the first String


Enter the second String


No. java and Programming are not anagrams.



C:\raji\blog>java AnagramCheckEg

Enter the first String


Enter the second String


Yes. night and thing are anagrams.

This is the java implementation of anagram checking among strings.Keep coding!!!!

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