A paragraph is a collection of words in a format and has a meaning. To count the number of words in a paragraph, let us follow the steps. let us implement it.
Logic behind the program:
- First, read the input paragraph from the command line.
- Check for emptiness, use isEmpty() function.
- If the value is true, then print “The paragraph does not have any words”.
- Otherwise, start the process.
- Let us split the words by space and add the count value.
- Finally, print the count value.
Program implementation:
//Built in header file inclusion
import java.util.Scanner;
// create a public class with main function
public class countIt {
public static void
main(String[] args) {
// let us
create the scanner object
scanner1 = new Scanner(System.in);
// ask the user to enter the Paragraph
System.out.println("Enter a Paragraph:");
String ipara =
// let us check whether paragraph is empty or
(ipara.trim().isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("The paragraph does not have any words");
} else {
// Split
the paragraph into words using spaces
iWords = ipara.trim().split("\\s+");
int wc =
// print the
count value
System.out.println("The number of words in the Paragraph: " +
Just compile and run the program to get the output.
C:\raji\blog>javac countIt.java
C:\raji\blog>java countIt
Enter a Paragraph:
once there lived a man whose name is David. He is tall and
plays music well. He wants to become a music director.But he does not have any
degree in music.He worked hard and learnt all types of music.Finally, he became
a music director.
The number of words in the Paragraph: 44
This is one of the random java programs to count the number
of words in a paragraph given by the user. Hope this program is helpful to you.
Keep coding!!!!
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