It is one of the features included in java8. A default method is one can be implemented by the interface. If you want to add more implementations further without breaking the existing structure of interface.
It has following features.
- · The method is implemented with some functionality.
- · Even, after the default method implementation, you can add more methods. It is called backward compatibility.
- · Multiple inheritance is possible.
- There are many ways to use default methods.
Here, we use two types.
A simple way of implementing Dafault method:
- Create an interface “TstInterface” and add a void method “rectangle” with two arguments (Length and breadth).
- Write the code for finding area of triangle by the formula (l*b).
- TstClass is the class which implements the interface.
- There, include the code for void function implementation.
- Create an object for class. Call the two functions using objects.
interface TstInterface {
void rectangle(int l,int b);
default void area() {
System.out.println("This program executed Default
class TstClass implements TstInterface {
public void rectangle(int l,int b) {
System.out.println("The area of rectangle is : "+l
* b);
public static void main(String args[]) {
TstClass d = new TstClass();
The output is given below.
C:\raji\blog>java TstClass
The area of rectangle is : 24
This program executed Default Method
2.Overriding a Default method:
Overriding is a concept of redefining a implementation.
Here, two interfaces and 2 methods with same name. both of the interfaces are
implemented by a class.
For overriding, the keyword “super” is used.
//Java Program to Override a defult method
interface Interface1 {
default void
myMethod() {
System.out.println("This message shows Interface1
interface Interface2 {
default void
myMethod() {
System.out.println("This message shows Interface2
public class MyClass implements Interface1, Interface2 {
public void
myMethod() {
Interface1.super.myMethod(); //
or Interface2.super.myMethod();
public static void
main(String[] args) {
MyClass ob =
new MyClass();
ob.myMethod(); // This will call
the overridden method
Just compile and run the program, you will get the output.
C:\raji\blog>java MyClass
This message shows Interface1 implementation
These are the ways to implement default methods in java.
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