Each and every nanosecond is important in computer operations. So Date and Time calculation plays a vital role in computer programming. Java8 offers a new Date and Time API for the enhancement of built in packages java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar.
What are the new
features added in these API???
- · Concise methods: It consists of simple and concise methods.
- · Wide range of classes: This API has variety of classes for different date and time zones.
- · Thread safe API :If the instance is created, it is not changeable.
List of important classes:
includes wide range of built in classes. Here, the important classes are listed
Built in
Class |
Purpose |
Format |
Eg |
LocalTime |
It provides a
time without date. |
Hours:Minutes:Seconds |
21:32:14 |
LocalDate |
It gives a
date without time |
Year – Month
- Day |
2024-09-11 |
LocalDateTime |
It shows Date
and Time without any time zone |
Year- Month-
Day THours:Minutes:Seconds |
2024-09-11 21:32:14T |
ZonedDateTime |
It displays
Date and Time with time zone |
Year- Month-
Day THours:Minutes:Seconds
+05:30[ Asia/Kolkata] |
2024-09-11 21:32:14 +05:30[
Asia/Kolkata] |
How to write a java8 program to implement Date and Time API?
Date and time API implementation can be done by two ways.
1. Displaying Date and Time
2. Implementing ZoneddateTime
Each implementation is given below.
This java8 Program displays Date
and Time. It includes the following steps.
Include the built in packages java.time.LocalDate,java.time.LocalTime,
Create a public class “DateTimeEg” and save this
file as “DateTimeEg.java”.
Inside the main function, create three objects
for LocalDate,LocalTime, LocalDateTime as date1,time1,dateTime1.
Using the objects,call the now function for each
objects by as follows.
date1.now(),time1.now(), dateTime.now().
Print the date,time and datetime.
Here, is the program.
Java8 program to display date,time,datetime :
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
public class DateTimeEg {
public static void
main(String[] args) {
date1 = LocalDate.now();
time1 = LocalTime.now();
dateTime1 = LocalDateTime.now();
System.out.println("Today's Date is: " + date1);
System.out.println("The Current Time is: " + time1);
System.out.println("The date and time is: " + dateTime1);
Open the command prompt. Set the path. Compile and Execute the
program as follows.
C:\raji\blog>javac DateTimeEg.java
C:\raji\blog>java DateTimeEg
Today's Date is: 2024-09-11
The Current Time is: 09:41:16.593843
The date and time is: 2024-09-11T09:41:16.593843
2.Implementing ZoneddateTime
java8 program deals with ZoneDateand time. To implement zonedDateTime,follow
the steps.
- Import the built in packages “java.time.ZonedDateTime, java.time.ZoneId”.
- Create a class “ZonedDateTimeEg” and save this file as “ZonedDateTimeEg.java”.
- Inside the main function, create object for ZonedDateTime and call the now function.
- Display the current zone time with print statement.
#Java Program to implement ZoneddateTime
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
public class ZonedDateTimeEg {
public static void
main(String[] args) {
zDateTime1 = ZonedDateTime.now(ZoneId.of("Asia/Kolkata"));
System.out.println("The Current Date and Time in Asia/Kolkata zone
is: " + zDateTime1);
Follow the steps to get the output.
C:\raji\blog>javac ZonedDateTimeEg.java
C:\raji\blog>java ZonedDateTimeEg
The Current Date and Time in Asia/Kolkata zone is:
These are all the ways to implement date and time API in
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