How to implement Static methods in interface concept in java8???

  The word “Static” is applicable for the interface. It does not be an instance of the class which implements the interface.

Why static method???

  • ·       Scope of the static methods is visible within interface.
  • ·       It belongs to interface only. So, utility methods are declared as static methods.

Simple program to implement static methods in interface:

              This program creates an interface with a static method “staticMd()” to print the static method message. Even though, a class is declared to implement the interface, the method belongs to the interface only.

//Java Program to implement static methods in interface

interface MyInter {

    static void staticMd() {

        System.out.println("This is a static method in an interface MyInter");



public class MyCls implements MyInter {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        MyInter.staticMd(); // Function call



Save this file as “”.

Compile the program in command prompt.


Execute the program as follows. You will get this output.

C:\raji\blog>java MyCls

This is a static method in an interface MyInter.

 Next, a program for odd or even number checking is given below.

Java Program to implement Odd/Even number checking using static methods in interface:

              This java program has following steps to implement the concept.

  • Create an interface “MyInter1”.
  • Inside the interface, implement the static method as “static void staticOddEven(int a)”.


        static – keyword.

        void – return type.(It doesn’t return anything)

        staticOddEven – this is the static function name.

        int a – input of a function as integer.

  • This function checks the given number is odd or even and print it.
  • Create a class “MyCls1” to implement the interface “MyInter1”.
  • Inside it,create a main function.
  • Call the static function “MyInter1.staticOddEven(6)”.

// Java Program to implement Odd/Even number checking using static methods in interface

interface MyInter1 {

    static void staticOddEven(int a) {


        System.out.println("The number is a even number");


       System.out.println("The number is a even number");



public class MyCls1 implements MyInter1 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        MyInter1.staticOddEven(6); // static method call



Compile and run the program to get the output.


C:\raji\blog>java MyCls1

The number is a even number

These are the ways to implement the static methods in interface concept in java8. Keep Coding!!!!

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