How to style HTML files using CSS???

 Do you want to describe your html file and display it on the web page with some styles. If your answer is yes….

Just use CSS…

What is CSS?

CSS is expanded as Cascading Style sheets which allows the user to style your web pages.

How to do it???

The user follows the syntax

Selector  { Property1: Value1; …………; Property n:Value n;}

You can add the CSS code to style your web pages by three types. They are as follows

  • ·       Inline CSS
  • ·       Internal CSS
  • ·       External CSS

Now, each and every CSS type is explained with code.

Inline CSS:

This is the simple way of adding styles to your html document.

There is an element called “Style” in paragraph and heading style tags.  You can set the properties with some value for this method.


<!DOCTYPE html>



<h2 style="color:red;"> This is the example of Inline CSS </h2>

<h3 style="color:blue;">This is the sample text </h3>




The output is given below….

Inline CSS

Now, Internal usage of CSS is given below.

Internal CSS:

When you want to use the styling for a single HTML page, internal CSS is recommended. Here, you  can code in separate <Style> tag.

For eg,

<!DOCTYPE html>




body {background-color:green;}

h1          {color:yellow;}

p    {color: white;font-style:Italic; font-size:25pt;}




<h1> Internal CSS  </h1>

<p>This is a Sample paragraph.<br>

This includes the text in Italic style </p>




Internal CSS  

This is a Sample paragraph.

This includes the text in Italic style

The final type of CSS is External CSS.

External CSS:

When you want to use CSS file for multiple web pages ,you can create a single CSS file and link that file to all html files.

First, create a CSS file “external.css” in c:\program folder.








 font-family: timesnewroman;






Font-family: Arial;

Color: green;




<!DOCTYPE html>



  <link rel="stylesheet" href="c:\program\external.css">



<h2> External CSS</h1>

<p> This is sample paragraph with different font family</p>




External CSS

These are the simple ways to style your web pages using CSS.

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