Attribute are the values to HTML elements which are generally specified in the start tag.
It has some
values to be assigned in the form of “attribute= value”
The commonly
used attributes are given below.
tag lang attribute
Lang is the
attribute which sets the displaying language of the webpage. It has variety of
language support.
we prefer English. It can be represented by “en”. If the US English is your option,set the lang option as “en-US”.
Examples are
given below
When you
want the united states English, use this <html lang=”en-US”>.
When you
want to set native languages like tamil,telugu,hindi
( for tamil)
Lang =”te”
(for telugu)
Lang=”hi” (for hindi)
tag attributes
<img> tag is used to include image in
the webpage.
For that,
use “src” attribute to get the URL of image.
For setting
height and width, the syntax is as follows
width=”measurement in pixels”
height=” measurement in pixels”
when the
URL of the image is not available, set the “alt” attribute which gives the
message when the image is not displayed.
For eg,
where “image1.jpg” is the URL of the image file
URL is the
Uniform Resource Locator which may be absolute or relative.
Absolute URL
is the exact URL( d:\examples\image1.jpg”
Relative URL
is the link(image1.jpg). The image is in the same domain.
When you
want the image in particular dimension,just set the width and height.
src=”image1.jpg” width=”500” height=” 400”>
setting the alternate text when the image is not available,,,
src=”image1.jpg” alt=”The image is coming soon”>
Note: alt provides
some response text.
tag attribute href
tag is anchor tag to define hyperlink.” href”
assigns the hyperlink to the <a> tag.
Let the syntax
href=” https:\\”> my company </a>
we include links also…
tag title attribute
When you
want to set the title for any paragraph ,title attribute is used.
title=”sample”>This is the first line of the paragraph</p>
These are
the most commonly used attibutes with HTML elements.
Always use
double quotes for attribute values.
Its easy to
use lowercase letters for attibutes.
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