Reverse a number and number operations in java

     Number is a basic element in mathematics. Operations on numbers are reverse a number, counting the number of digits and sum of the digits.

Let us code the operations.

Reverse a number:

              Reverse a number is reversing the digits in the number. Logic behind the program is given below…

  • ·       First, read the number as input.
  • ·       Using a while loop, repeat the process.
  • ·       Split the last digit separately by using mod function.
  • ·       Multiply the number with its position.
  • ·       Repeat the process until the last digit.
  • ·       Print the reversed number.

#Java Program to reverse a number

class Revnumber


 public static void main(String args[])


  int n =134,re=0,a=0;

  System.out.println("The number is :"+n);







  System.out.println("The reverse number is:"+re);



Here, is the output.

Counting the number of digits:

              This program counts the number of digits in the given number. The logic behind the program is..

  • ·       Get the number.
  • ·       Check the number is greater than zero, repeat the process.
  • ·       Split the last digit by mod function.
  • ·       Increase the count.
  • ·       Divide the number by 10.
  • ·       Repeat the process.
  • ·       Finally, print the counting value.

#Java Program to count the number of digits in the number

class CountNumber


 public static void main(String args[])


  int n =134,c=0,a=0;

  System.out.println("The number is :"+n);




   c = c+1;



  System.out.println("The Number of the digits are:"+c);



When executing this program,you get the below output.

3.Sum of the digits in number:

              This program splits each digit, adds the digits to sum value.

class SumNumber


 public static void main(String args[])


  int n =134,s=0,a=0;

  System.out.println("The number is :"+n);




   s= s+a;



  System.out.println("The sum of the digits are:"+s);



The output is:

These are java programs on numbers. Keep Coding!!!!!

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