If you traveling to another country,then you need to know the currency conversion. Let us start with US Dollar to many country currencies.
1 USD = 84.05 rupees
1 USD = 0.92 Euro
1 USD = 0.77 GBP
1 USD = 1.32 SGD
Where, Rupees -indian currency, Euro -European Currency,
GBP- Pound Sterling, SGD- Singapore Dollar
How to create currency conversion program in java??
- Include the built in java package “java.util.Scanner”.
- Create a class “CurrencyConversion”. Declare four double variables for currency conversion.
- Write the main function. create an object for Scanner and read the system input from user.
- Pass the input to convertit function. Based on the requirement, it convert the US dollar to another currency.
public class
CurrencyConversion {
// Conversion rates
may vary
static final
double D_TO_R = 84.05; //Indian Rupees
static final
double D_TO_E = 0.92; // Euro
static final
double D_TO_P = 0.77; //Pound sterling
static final
double D_TO_SD = 1.32; //Singapore Dollar
scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Currency Converter java Program");
System.out.print("Enter amount in US Dollars: ");
usdollar = scanner.nextDouble();
double inrupee
= convertit(usdollar, D_TO_R);
double euro =
convertit(usdollar, D_TO_E);
double gbpster
= convertit(usdollar, D_TO_P);
Sgdollar = convertit(usdollar,D_TO_SD);
System.out.println("The Equivalent currency of given $ in INR:
" + inrupee);
System.out.println("The Equivalent currency of given $ in EUR:
" + euro);
System.out.println("The Equivalent currency of given $ in GBP:
" + gbpster);
System.out.println("The Equivalent currency of given $ in SGD:
" + Sgdollar);
return amount
* current_rate;
Here, is the output.
C:\raji\blog>javac CurrencyConversion.java
C:\raji\blog>java CurrencyConversion
Currency Converter java Program
Enter amount in US Dollars: 45
The Equivalent currency of given $ in INR: 3782.25
The Equivalent currency of given $ in EUR: 41.4
The Equivalent currency of given $ in GBP: 34.65
The Equivalent currency of given $ in SGD:
This is the basic way of converting the currencies around
the world.
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