Java simple projects – Number guessing game:

               Games are always interesting. let a user guess a number randomly and check the computer generated number is equal or not. The program is given below.

Class : GameNumberGuessing

Member functions: startIt(),getUserGuessedNo(), getNoByComputer()

Where startIt()- It is the beginning function to start the process.

             getUserGuessedNo() – The user interaction to get the number to be guessed

             getNoByComputer()  - It makes the computer to generate a random number.


  • ·       A number is given by user as a guess.
  • ·       Let the computer generate a random number.
  • ·       Check the user no is equal to computer no. if both are matched, just display the number found message.
  • ·       Otherwise, repeat the process until the user guesses the correct number.


import java.util.Scanner;

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;

public class GameNumberGuessing {

  private static final int MIN_No = 1;

  private static final int MAX_No = 1000;

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    GameNumberGuessing game1 = new GameNumberGuessing();



  public void startIt() {

    boolean isUserGuessOption = false;

    int noOfGuess = 0;

    // Get the computer generated number

    int computerNo = getNoByComputer();

    // Program ends with user guesses the number correctly

    while (!isUserGuessOption) {

      int userNo = getUserGuessedNo();

      if (userNo > computerNo) {

        System.out.println("Sorry, the number you guessed is too high");

      } else if (userNo < computerNo) {

        System.out.println("Sorry, the number you guessed is too low");

      } else if (userNo == computerNo) {

        System.out.println("Congratulations! Your guess is correct!");

        isUserGuessOption = true;




    System.out.println("You found the number in " + noOfGuess + " guesses");


  public int getNoByComputer() {

    return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(MIN_No, MAX_No + 1);


  public int getUserGuessedNo() {

    Scanner sn = new Scanner(;

    System.out.println("Please guess the number: ");

    return sn.nextInt();





C:\raji\blog>java GameNumberGuessing

Please guess the number:


Sorry, Please guess the higher number

Please guess the number:


Sorry, Please guess the higher number

Please guess the number:


Sorry, Please guess the higher number

Please guess the number:


Sorry, Please guess the higher number

Please guess the number:


Sorry, Please guess the lower number

Please guess the number:


Sorry, Please guess the higher number

Please guess the number:


Sorry, Please guess the higher number

Please guess the number:


Sorry, Please guess the lower number

Please guess the number:


Sorry, Please guess the lower number

Please guess the number:


Sorry, Please guess the lower number

Please guess the number:


Congratulations! you have found the number

You found the number in 11 guesses.

That is the way of creating a number guessing program in java.

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