Java simple Projects -To-Do list

             To-do list is a set of operations performed by the choice of user. This list includes four operations.

  • ·       Insert a task
  • ·       Mark a task as done
  • ·       Display the task status
  • ·       Exit the application.

Insert a task: add a task to the list

Mark a task as done: If the task is done, it is marked as done.

Display the task status: it shows the tasks.

Exit the application: close the task.

Java Simple project implementation – To-Do list:



  • ·       First, include three built in packages for list,ArrayList and scanner.
  • ·       Create a class “Task” with two member variables(String Description and Boolean workDone).
  • ·       In the constructor, initialise the values.
  • ·       Add three member functions getDescript(), workdone() ans markAsDone() and override toString().

Step2: write the code for To Do list class.

  • ·       Include the code for implementing addTask(),markTaskAsdone(), showTask().

Step3 :

  • ·       Write the main function() with switch case. Get the options from user and call the functions depends on the choice of the user.

Here is the program.

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Scanner;

class Task {

    private String description;

    private boolean workDone;

     public Task(String description) {

        this.description = description;

        this.workDone = false;


     public String getDescript() {

        return description;


     public boolean workDone() {

        return workDone;


     public void markAsDone() {

        this.workDone = true;



    public String toString() {

        return (workDone ? "[X] " : "[ ] ") + description;



class ToDoList {

    private List<Task> tasks;

    public ToDoList() {

        tasks = new ArrayList<>();


    public void addTask(String description) {

        tasks.add(new Task(description));


    public void markTaskAsDone(int ind) {

        if (ind >= 0 && ind < tasks.size()) {


        } else {

            System.out.println("You have entered an Invalid task number.");



    public void showTask() {

        for (int i = 0; i < tasks.size(); i++) {

            System.out.println(i + 1 + ". " + tasks.get(i));




public class Main25 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        ToDoList toDoList1 = new ToDoList();

        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

        String cmd;

         System.out.println("To-Do List Application in java");

         while (true) {

            System.out.println("\n1. Insert a Task");

            System.out.println("2. Choose to Mark a Task as Done");

            System.out.println("3. Display the Tasks");

            System.out.println("4. Exit");

            System.out.print("Please Enter your choice: ");

            cmd = scanner.nextLine();

             switch (cmd) {

                case "1":

                    System.out.print("Enter the task description: ");

                    String descript = scanner.nextLine();



                case "2":

                    System.out.print("Enter the task number to mark as done: ");

                    int taskNo = Integer.parseInt(scanner.nextLine());

                    toDoList1.markTaskAsDone(taskNo - 1);


                case "3":



                case "4":

                    System.out.println("Thank you for using this Application");





                    System.out.println("Invalid. Please Enter the correct choice.");





Executing this program, the output is displayed as follows…


C:\raji\blog>java Main25

To-Do List Application in java

1. Insert a Task

2. Choose to Mark a Task as Done

3. Display the Tasks

4. Exit

Please Enter your choice: 1

Enter the task description: Read

1. Insert a Task

2. Choose to Mark a Task as Done

3. Display the Tasks

4. Exit

Please Enter your choice: 3

1. [ ] Read

1. Insert a Task

2. Choose to Mark a Task as Done

3. Display the Tasks

4. Exit

Please Enter your choice: 2

Enter the task number to mark as done: 1

1. Insert a Task

2. Choose to Mark a Task as Done

3. Display the Tasks

4. Exit

Please Enter your choice: 3

1. [X] Read


1. Insert a Task

2. Choose to Mark a Task as Done

3. Display the Tasks

4. Exit

Please Enter your choice: 1

Enter the task description: Write


1. Insert a Task

2. Choose to Mark a Task as Done

3. Display the Tasks

4. Exit

Please Enter your choice: 3

1. [X] Read

2. [ ] Write

1. Insert a Task

2. Choose to Mark a Task as Done

3. Display the Tasks

4. Exit

Please Enter your choice: 2

Enter the task number to mark as done: 2

1. Insert a Task

2. Choose to Mark a Task as Done

3. Display the Tasks

4. Exit

Please Enter your choice: 3

1. [X] Read

2. [X] Write

1. Insert a Task

2. Choose to Mark a Task as Done

3. Display the Tasks

4. Exit

Please Enter your choice: 4

Thank you for using this Application

This is the way of implementing a simple ToDo list in list .Keep Coding!!!

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