Stack is a basic data structure which store the data elements in such a way that LIFO.Stack class is included in java Collections.
The built-in package is: java.util.Stack.
Logic of stack:
- LIFO (Last in First Out): The number which is inserted as last will be removed first.
- Dynamic: The size of stack will be increased or decreased depends on the data.
Operations on Stack:
- push(data) : it is used to add the elements to the stack.
- pop() : It is used to delete a top most data.
- peek() : This is used to view the top element of data.
- search(): It finds a particular data in the stack.
- empty() :It checks whether stack is empty or not.
Java Implementations on Stack Operations:
This java
program implements a stack and its operations. It has following steps.
- Include the built in java package.
- A public class is created with main() function.
- A new stack object is created. 5 elements are inserted into stack using push() function.
- The stack elements are displayed using print() statement.
- peek() function is used to view the top elements without deleting.
- Pop() function deletes the top element of the stack.
- Search() method finds an element in the stack.
- Empty() checks the stack is empty or not.
import java.util.Stack;
public class StackEg {
public static void
main(String[] args) {
Stack<Integer> stackobj = new Stack<>();
inserting(Pushing) elements
// print the
stack elements
System.out.println("Stack : " + stackobj);
// view the
top element(Peek)
int top1 =
System.out.println("Top element: " + top1);
// remove the
top element in the stack(Pop)
int popit =
System.out.println("The element which is popped from the stack is:
" + popit);
// printing
the stack elements after pop
System.out.println("Stack after pop: " + stackobj);
// finding an
int pos =;
System.out.println("Position of element: " + pos);
// finding the
stack is empty or not.
isEmpty = stackobj.empty();
System.out.println("stack empty " + isEmpty);
C:\raji\blog>java StackEg
Stack : [100, 200, 300, 400, 500]
Top element: 500
The element which is popped from the stack is: 500
Stack after pop: [100, 200, 300, 400]
Position of element: -1
stack empty false
Note: Stack is useful when backtracking is needed and
process the elements in last in first out order.
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