How to use datetime module in python???

   Time is a precious thing in every one’s life. In python, there is a module called “datetime”. It has lot of functions. Generally, this module is used to get the date and time.

For using this module, the user should import the module by

import datetime

Next, create a variable for datetime module by,

dt =


dt is the variable. datetime is the module and another datetime is the class. Now() is the function to get the current time and date and assigned it to variable dt.

To print the date and time


While executing this code, user get the following output.

Here, first part is date. Next part is time in hours, minutes, seconds and micro seconds.

A simple program to display messages based on the time:

import datetime

dt =

if dt.hour < 12 :

   print("Hi, Good morning. It's " + str(dt.hour) +"'O clock")

elif 12 < dt.hour < 16 :

   print ("Hi, Good afternoon.It's " + str(dt.hour) +"'O clock"")

elif 16 < dt.hour < 18 :

   print("Hi, Good Evening.It's " + str(dt.hour) +"'O clock"")

else :

    print("Hi, Good night.It's " + str(dt.hour) +"'O clock"")


It displays the following output.

 Still, some more classes are in datetime modules. Few of them are listed below….

Date – It displays date.

Time - It displays time

Timedelta – It gives the difference between two dates or time

Timezone – It displays time zone from coordinated universal time.

Tzinfo – it involves with time zone objects.

These the basic usage of datetime module in python.

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