Python enumeration

     Enumeration is one of the concepts in python. It deals with collection of things grouped under a common name. It follows an order.


enumerate(iterable, StartIndex)

where iterable – it is the object.

             StartIndex – it is the beginning of list. Default value is 0.


#Creating a fruit list

Fruitslist = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grapes']

#Making the list as a enumerated list

F_list = enumerate(Fruitslist)

#printing the enumerated list


Executing this, the following output is shown in the output screen.

When the startindex value is mentioned in the code, it becomes…

Fruitslist = ['apple' , 'banana' , 'orange' , 'grapes']

F_list = enumerate(Fruitslist,2)


just execute this code,you will get the below output.

Python program to print the items in the list using enumeration:

Let us create list of vehicles and print it using enumerated list.

#First,create a list (v_list)

V_list = ['car' , 'bus', 'van' ,'truck']

#create a loop and make the list as enumerated and print the  value until the last element.

for i in enumerate(V_list):


# start the index as 4 and print the list.

print("Using startindex as 4")

for i in enumerate(V_list ,4):


 Here is the output.

Enumeration : tuple

Tuple is a set of objects. It can be separated by a comma. Let  us create a enumerated tuple.

#create a v_tuple and print with for loop.

V_tuple = ['car' , 'bus', 'van' ,'truck']

for i in enumerate(V_tuple):


The output is

Enumeration: Strings

              String is a collection of characters. Enumeration in string is given below.

msg = "Welcome to the python world"

for i in enumerate(msg):


while running this program, it lists all the characters with index.

Enumeration : Dictionary:

              Dictionary is a collection of data with meaning. Let us create a dictionary for vehicles.

#create a dictionary v_dict and print the elements using for loop.

v_dict = { "car" : "4 wheels" , "bike" : "2 wheels" , "auto" : "3 wheels" , "truck" : "6 wheels" }

for i in enumerate(v_dict):


The output of the program is:

These are the some coding samples using enumeration.

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