Python programs to display calendar of the month and finding number of days between two dates📅

        Python has variety of inbuilt modules. If you want to find a calendar of a given month and year, use calendar module. To find the number of days between two dates, just use "datetime" module.

Program: To print a calendar

#First, import the calendar module

import calendar

#Create a variable “yr” for getting the year of calendar to be displayed.

yr = int(input("Enter the year"))

#create a variable “mth” for storing the value of month.

mth = int(input("Enter the month"))

#using print function, call the function calendar.month with two arguments year and month.

print(“The calendar for the given month and year is”,calendar.month(yr,mth))

while executing above code, the user enters the year and month at run time.

Once the code is executed, it shows the calendar.

Next, a python program to find the number of days between two dates is given below.

Program : To find the number of days between two dates

              This program involves a inbuilt module “datetime”. It gets the input as two dates in numeric format. It gives you the number of days between the two dates.

#As a beginning, import the module “datetime” and its sub module “date”

from datetime import date

#Assign a variable fdate(first date) to some value in the format of year, month and day.

fdate = date(2024,5,4)

#Next, Assign a variable sdate(Second date) to some value in the format of year, month and day.

sdate = date (2024,7,25)

#Find the difference between two dates and store it into diff.

diff = (sdate - fdate).days

#Print the variable “diff” using print statement with following message.

print(“The number of days between two days are",diff)

That’s all. Your coding is done.

Next, execute the code in the python compiler.

It displays the number of days between two dates. Here is the output.

These are the simple python programs to display calender and finding number of days between two dates.

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